How Much Should a Trustee be Paid? An Analysis of the California Rules of Court 7.776
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“How much should a trustee be paid?” Few trustees or their professional advisors can provide a thoughtful or comprehensive response to this question. Not surprisingly, many beneficiaries and their professional advisors frequently object to whatever the answer may be. Disagreements about the trustee’s compensation are exacerbated during periods of heightened financial uncertainty. This presentation seeks to provide a road map for both trustees and beneficiaries, of how to answer the ubiquitous question, “How much should a trustee be paid?”.
Notes: This program qualifies for 1-hour of continuing education credit for Attorneys, CFP's (Program ID: 278517), CPA's, Life Insurance (Course: 385241), Professional Fiduciaries, and Trust Officers.
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Our Speaker
Josh Yager is a recognized expert on the management and oversight of trust assets. He lectures and writes extensively on the policies, procedures, and practices for the prudent administration of trusts. He has been invited to speak to various Bar associations, CPA chapters, estate planning councils, Professional Fiduciary Association forums, and AICPA national events. Josh has testified on the subject of prudent trustee governance practices before the Texas Pension Review Board, the Alaska Retirement Management Board and has provided expert testimony within the California courts. Josh has led governance consulting engagements for the boards of public pension funds responsible for assets in excess of $30b, foundation and endowment boards with assets in excess of $250m, and for individual trustees with modestly funded trusts.
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